Africa records over 5.1 million COVID-19 cases

AFRICA – Data published by the Africa Center for Disease control (Africa CDC) reveals that Africa has recorded over 5.1 million cases of COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic early last year.

The continent, which is one of the most disadvantaged in terms of healthcare delivery and administration of COVID vaccines has witnessed 136, 030 deaths so far, due to the pandemic.

Researchers have continuously expressed their reservations towards the numbers being reported in Africa due to poor testing capabilities and limited in-hospital treatment, citing that it is likely the number if cases and fatalities are more than what is being witnessed.

In its weekly epidemiological update, the WHO said global cases were down 12% last week compared with the previous week, with declines seen in all world regions except Africa. The level of deaths is still high, but fatalities declined by 2%.

African countries are among those that reported the biggest rises in the past week, including Zambia (up 125%), Uganda (49%) and South Africa (49%), the report said.

In South Africa, a total of 47,394 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, with 8,436 new cases, which represents a 17.8% positivity rate. A further 208 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported in the country, bringing total fatalities to 58,087.

South Africa’s bordering country, Eswatini, confirmed 14 new cases bring the national tally to 18,768. The country which has thus far reported 676 deaths has been in the lime light as the only African country to achieve a high percentage of vaccinations, 2.8%.

Eswatini has so far administered 35,227 doses out of the 66,400 doses supplied.

Zimbabwe, which recently imposes new restrictions and banned gatherings due to a spike in cases, had 40 318 confirmed cases as of 16th June, including 37 056 recoveries and 1 637 deaths. To date, a total of 694,730 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in the country.

Neighboring country, Malawi, recorded 24 new cases totaling to 34,588 cases. Three new deaths were reported raising the number of fatalities to 1,162. The country has managed to administer 373,577 (1,785 New) first vaccine doses and 13,786 (4,320 New) second doses.

Rwanda, has so far recorded 29,175 cases with 263 new cases in the past 24 hours. The nation which is reporting over 90% in recoveries, has 2, 416 active cases and a total of 376 fatalities with 4 new deaths reported in the last 24 hrs.

The east African country has managed to inoculate 113 more people, bring the total number of vaccinations to 389,945 people.

Kenya, a country that has also been adversely affected in the region, has administered a total of 1,138,748 vaccines. Total First Doses administered stand at 989,422 while second dose uptake is at 149,326, covering 15% of complete immunization in the vaccines administered.

Less than 1% of adults have been vaccinated in the country which has thus far reported 176,622 cases and 3,428 deaths.

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