Boehringer Ingelheim opens new scientific office in Kenya

KENYA —German biopharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim has opened its new scientific office in Nairobi, Kenya, which will serve as the company’s headquarters for the Sub-Saharan Africa region.

The move demonstrates the company’s commitment to advancing sustainable development in the region, as well as improving human and animal health.

By establishing a foothold in Kenya, Boehringer Ingelheim aims to expand its global presence in the region and work in partnership with local healthcare providers and regulators to bring healthcare solutions to areas of unmet medical need.

The office opening was attended by senior government officials and hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim’s senior leadership team, which included Mohammed Tawil, Regional Managing Director and Head of Human Pharma for India, Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (‘IMETA’).

It also included Marianne Abouelkheir, General Manager and Head of Human Pharma for Levant, Iraq, Northeast Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa, and Marseille Onyango, Head of Human Pharma for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Mr. Thomas Wimmer, the Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kenya, was also among the attendees at the inauguration of the new office.

Boehringer Ingelheim has been committed to sustainable development for generations, developing solutions that address global healthcare challenges and contribute to sustainable change since 1885, per the company’s press release.

By opening a scientific office in Kenya, the company aims to deliver global best practices and innovative therapies to address the ongoing health requirements of patients and animals locally and across the region.

Health Cabinet Secretary, Susan Nakhumicha Wafula, commended Boehringer Ingelheim’s efforts in setting up a regional hub in Kenya, further encouraging strategic partnerships between the Ministry of Health and global pharmaceutical companies ultimately working towards fulfilling the right to health for all individuals in the country.

She further added that the strategic partnership between the Ministry of Health and global pharma companies presents an opportunity for substantial investment in the continent for pharmaceuticals, through locating and relocating manufacturing industries within Kenya.

During the launch, the company highlighted its sustainable development goals, emphasizing the importance of developing better therapies, enabling better healthcare solutions, and contributing to a better world for future generations.

In Kenya, Boehringer Ingelheim has been active with its SD4G plans, and the company’s leadership reiterated its dedication to sustainability tenets, stating that it targets to impact the lives and health of 50 million people in vulnerable communities by 2030.

Boehringer Ingelheim has already taken steps towards achieving this goal, launching the ‘Access to Healthcare’ initiative in Kenya, which provides medical screening and follow-up services to more than 1000 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

COPD imposes a significant burden on healthcare resources globally, with high costs for treating patients and frequent hospital stays.

The prevalence of COPD is high and likely to increase due to aging populations and continued exposure to risk factors.

“LastMile” initiative to address major barriers in animal healthcare sector

Furthermore, the LastMile initiative, which was launched in 2018, aims to address animal health challenges in hard-to-reach areas by ensuring consistent availability of medical resources.

The LastMile initiative, launched in Kenya and expanding to other African countries, aims to improve distribution channels and increase knowledge on disease prevention and treatment among smallholder farmers.

By establishing long-lasting partnerships with the local farming community and providing access to products to prevent livestock diseases, the initiative seeks to reduce annual losses exceeding millions of euros and improve the livelihood of smallholders.

In 2020, Boehringer Ingelheim launched a mobile app that enables the LastMile initiative’s field force and teams to work more efficiently with farmers, retailers, and veterinarians, and to manage their daily activities effectively.

Further north, Boehringer Ingelheim has entered into an agreement with Ibnsina Pharma to distribute its treatments in Egypt.

The agreement will cover essential disease areas, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory diseases, as well as stroke.

The partnership with Ibnsina Pharma will help the German pharmaceutical company strengthen its leadership position in Egypt, delivering sustainable solutions and treatments to patients.

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One Reply to “Boehringer Ingelheim opens new scientific office in Kenya”


    Great news. Congratulations to the Boehringer team and wishing them all the best !

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