Gricd partners HaulTrac to deliver essential healthcare commodities across Nigeria

NIGERIA – Gricd, a cold chain technology company has partnered with Haultrac to support the delivery of essential healthcare commodities in Nigeria on behalf of USAID.

The partnership entails the delivery of commodities such as medicines, rapid diagnostic test kits, laboratory reagents, and consumables, as well as other related health and non-health commodities across the country.

It also includes long haul and last-mile delivery of commodities dispatched and received from central and regional warehouses to cold storage facilities in Abuja, Jos, Ogba (Lagos State), and Oshodi (Lagos State).

Gricd’s will leverage its cutting-edge technology to ensure the commodities reach their final destinations in their most effective state.


Using Gricd’s real-time data loggers and enterprise monitoring software, all parties will be able to guarantee the quality of these commodities during storage, transit, and distribution to the end-user.

Gricd offers a range of IoT-enabled solutions that deliver reliable and consistent temperature monitoring and data logging, especially during storage, transit, and distribution of temperature-sensitive products such as vaccines, insulin, and food.

By enabling automated, real-time monitoring, Gricd makes it easier to guarantee the safety and security of products and assets.

Inability to keep temperature-sensitive medical commodities within required temperature range leads to waste of life-saving medication, sometimes loss of life,” said Oghenetega Iortim, CEO and founder of Gricd.

We are excited to be working with Haultrac and USAID to ensure the safe delivery of these essential commodities across Nigeria and make it easier for all parties to do business with confidence.”

The startup already works with some of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers and food companies in Nigeria and across Africa.

It monitors the quality of food and pharmaceuticals, supporting manufacturers and companies to realize more than US$193 million in savings and successfully monitoring more than 12 million temperature-sensitive items.

While globalization has made the relative distance between regions of the world much smaller, the physical separation of these same regions is still a very important reality.

The greater the physical separation, the more likely freight can be damaged in one of the complex transport operations involved.

The ongoing rise in standards of living and economic specialization will remain important drivers for years to come in the growing demand for perishable goods and the cold chain logistics supporting their transport.

The collaboration aims to bridge the gap to enable pharmaceutical manufacturers and companies to deliver their commodities to the intended customers while in good condition.

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