NIGERIA –  The Nigerian government convened its inaugural quarterly performance dialogue focused on the health sector, marking a significant step towards improving healthcare delivery in the country. 

This event, led by Muhammad Pate, Coordinating Minister for Health and Social Welfare, brought together federal and state authorities, health stakeholders, and development partners to discuss the state of healthcare and collaborative strategies for enhancement.

The dialogue was initiated as part of Nigeria’s commitment to reforming its health system through the Health Sector Renewal Investment Initiative and the Sector-Wide Approach, both supported by the National Health Act of 2014. 

Pate emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, “This marks a bold and hopeful step towards transforming our health system through the Health Sector Renewal Investment Initiative and the Sector-Wide Approach, emphasizing the cooperative federalism mandated by the National Health Act of 2014.”

A primary objective of the dialogue is to foster collaboration among health workers and providers at all levels of government, including the private sector. 

Pate reiterated the necessity of equitable responsibility distribution, saying, “We are focused on improving Penta 3 coverage, increasing the proportion of fully immunized children, reducing the number of zero-dose children, enhancing the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, improving antenatal care coverage, and increasing access to health insurance and primary healthcare services.”

The Nigerian government aims to tackle critical health issues, including the high rates of maternal and child mortality. 

Pate noted that the administration is committed to tracking health service utilization rates and gauging public satisfaction. 

He expressed gratitude for the support from development partners, highlighting that “this is not just about cooperation; it is about accountability and collective progress. We have agreed to hold each other accountable, learn together, and work together through regular performance dialogues and evaluations.”

The need for such dialogues is underscored by the numerous challenges facing Nigeria’s health sector. 

According to a recent World Bank report, Nigeria’s health budget ranks the lowest globally, contributing to poor health outcomes. 

The report states, “Nigeria ranks near the bottom in Africa in Universal Health Coverage. With a score of 44, Nigeria’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) index has seen some improvement over time but still ranks among the lowest in the African region.”

Additionally, the reliance on out-of-pocket payments has been detrimental, pushing over one million Nigerians into poverty each year due to health-related expenses. 

The World Bank also noted that most government expenditures are directed towards secondary and tertiary healthcare, neglecting primary and essential health services. 

This has resulted in Nigeria having one of the highest maternal and child mortality rates globally, with many women dying from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.

The dialogue represents a critical opportunity for stakeholders to address these pressing issues collaboratively. 

By engaging in open discussions and sharing insights, the Nigerian government aims to create a more effective health system that prioritizes the needs of its citizens. 

As Pate concluded, “We encourage states to track their progress against these indicators,” emphasizing the importance of accountability in achieving better health outcomes for all Nigerians.

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