TANZANIA – The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania’s largest public health research institution, has partnered with the Aga Khan Health Services in Tanzania (AKHST) to collaborate in health research and information sharing.
The agreement was signed in Dar es Salaam to boost developments in health research by supporting programmes which are being executed by both institutions to improve treatment and medication in Tanzania.
Agha Khan Hospitals is an organization comprising of multinational hospitals based in Dar es Salaam, Mumbai, Kisumu, Mombasa, Nairobi and Pakistan managed by the Aga Khan Health Services, one of the most comprehensive non-profit health-care systems in the developing world.
Aga Khan Health Services in Tanzania is a global network with operations in 20 countries globally and experience in grant proposal writing which will assist NIMR in writing various proposals to support health research.
Under the deal, NIMR and Aga Khan will compose an agenda through committees to participate in operations research with an aim to bolster research in academic and clinical areas.
It allows NIMR scientists access to modern diagnostic facilities available at the Aga Khan University including both Laboratory and Radiology services for research purposes.
NIMR Director General Professor Yunus Mgaya revealed that the institute will collaborate with Aga Khan to find donors who can finance health research projects with the aim of improving health systems in Tanzania.
The National Institute for Medical Research will also engage in capacity building through training Aga Khan University (AKU) and AKHST staff on how to conduct clinical trials while supporting AKU postgraduate medical students on how to conduct clinical trials.
Tanzania extends Maternal, Neonatal Emergency System
Meanwhile, the Tanzanian Government has extended the emergency system driven solution for maternal and neonatal health dubbed M-MAMA to the remaining regions in the mainland and Zanzibar.
The initiative will be further implemented in Morogoro, Lindi, Tabora, Tanga, Pwani, Mtwara, Geita, Kigoma, Mbeya, Songwe, Dodoma, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Mara and Rukwa.
The Maternal, Neonatal Emergency System will help easy location and access to the nearby health facilities for pregnant women in need of emergency services thereby save many lives.
It will ensure quality maternal and neonatal health services in Tanzania where at least 90 per cent of pregnant women attend at least four clinic sessions before giving birth.
The project will be implemented by Vodacom Tanzania Foundation in partnership with Touch Foundation and Pathfinder in 15 regions of Tanzania mainland.
Health Minister Honorable Ummy Mwalimu revealed that the ministry acquired a US$200million concessional loan from the World Bank with support from the national government to extend the maternal and neonatal services.
She further said that the emergency system would address unpredictable maternal challenges in a move crucial in reducing maternal mortality deaths in the country.
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